Did you know that since 2005, Araneta City has been recycling and curing 3 million liters of wastewater everyday to reduce water pollution and minimize water consumption at the City of Firsts?
This has been possible with Araneta City’s centralized Sewage Treatment Plant (ACI-STP) located underground along Gen. McArthur Ave. between Farmers Market and Farmers Garden. It was constructed in compliance with the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (R.A. 9275) for the abatement and control of water pollution as well as securing water quality standards and regulations.

According to Engr. Luis Millanes, ACI-STP Manager, the treatment plant is designed to treat up to 4,000 m³ (or 4 million liters) of water per day. The current daily utilization in Araneta City ranges between 2,800 and 3,000 m³ (2.8 and 3 million liters) per day.
The recycled water is used for citywide irrigation and watering of landscapes and plants. The effluent is also used for flushing and cleaning roads and streets, helping the City to reduce daily water consumption.

“The process starts by collecting influent or untreated wastewater from various buildings in Araneta City. The collected influent is brought to STP by means of gravity flow or by mechanical pumps where it is treated by circulating air to encourage the growth of bacteria to break down sewage. The cycle is repeated into numerous tanks to produce effluent or treated wastewater.” Engr. Millanes explained.
ACI-STP services almost all permanent buildings and condominiums in the Araneta City including Gateway Mall, Ali Mall, Farmers Plaza and Farmers Market, the Smart Araneta Coliseum, Parking Garage South, Cyberpark Towers, and Manhattan Gardens Residences
Engr. Millanes added that “the quality of the effluent collected from the ACI-STP is monitored monthly by third-party laboratory testing to test its usability and safety. Their analysis is submitted to Quezon City’s Environmental offices to assure the public that Araneta City’s Sewage Treatment Plant delivers much cleaner, more environmentally friendly treated wastewater.”

Aside from its efficacy to recycle water and reduce water consumption, Millanes also believes that the sewage treatment plant lowers the chances of flooding in Araneta City.
“Imagine if we don’t have the STP and without dedicated sewer lines that 3 million litres of water per day or more volumes go directly to drainage lines will contribute to possible flooding coupled with the slightest amount of rainfalls.”
An average of Php 75,600 are saved monthly on water consumption due to water treatment and recycling.